The Puppy Buyer” Contact Information:





“Happy Farm Puppies LLC” Breeders Contact Information

Name:Tiffany Burrington


Phone: 763-334-9789




Puppies Date of Birth:



Parents Information:

  • Father’s Name(Sire):

  • Breed:

  • Size &Color:

  • Mother’s Name(Dam):

  • Breed:

  • Size &Color:


VACCINES: One 5 way vaccine given at 8 wks 

DATE:                                       .

Vaccine Administered: One dose of the Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv Vaccine

Vaccines Includes:Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Adenovirus 2, Canine Parainfluenza Virus, Canine Parvovirus (Parvo) (modified live viruses).

Important Vaccine Information:

Your puppy has received their first 8 wk old puppy vaccines, considered their “core vaccines”. They will need to have these same vaccine given again at 12 wks and again at 16 wks before they will be considered immune to the diseases or safe. Make an appointment with your veterinarian for their second vaccine booster by:                                and their by:                                (3-4 wks apart).

The Rabies vaccine is mandated by state law and must be given by 24 weeks old. Rabies vaccines should be given alone, separated from all other vaccinations by at least two weeks. This is due to the fact that the rabies vaccine is a higher risk vaccine for adverse reactions. YOU MUST REQUEST THIS. Not all Vets follow this protocol.

De-wormer Medications given at:

  • 4 weeks old: Nemex 2 (Pyrantel Pamoate) treats roundworms and hookworms.

  • 6 weeks old: Nemex 2 (Pyrantel Pamoate)

  • 8 weeks old: Nemex 2 (Pyrantel Pamoate)


The total purchase price of this Happy Farm Puppies LLC” Puppy is $                            (of which $300 is a non-refundable deposit.) Once the full balance has been paid for this puppy and this contract has been signed by both parties, Happy Farm Puppies LLC” agrees to transfer all rights and responsibilities associated with the ownership of this Puppy to  “The Puppy Buyer”.


At the time of purchase, Happy Farm Puppies LLC” guarantees this puppy is in good health, is up to date on core vaccines and deworming medications and to the best of our knowledge, free from any diseases or birth defects.  “The Puppy Buyer” must have the puppy examined by a veterinarian within 7 days after receiving this puppy. If this puppy is diagnosed with an illness, disease or birth defect by a veterinarian within 7 days of purchase, puppy may be returned for a full refund (including the $300 deposit). All records of the diagnosis must be provided to Happy Farm Puppies LLC” within 3 days from the date they were diagnosed.

If this dog is ever diagnosed with a serious disease or mild to moderate recurring health issue(s), Happy Farm Puppies LLC” requests to be notified. Keeping track of our Happy Farm puppy’s health into adulthood is important to us as well as the future of our bloodlines.


A genetic health guarantee is offered to  “The Puppy Buyer” for one (1) year from the birthdate of this Puppy. This genetic health guarantee includes hereditary, congenital or genetic defects that would cause this puppy/dog to lose quality of life before the age of five (5) or shorten their life span. All medical records MUST be provided to Happy Farm Puppies LLC” from a veterinarian specialist confirming an inherited genetic disorder,defect or disease.

If a genetic diagnosis is confirmed and documented proof has been provided,  “The Puppy Buyer” will be refunded half the puppy's original purchase price. Happy Farm Puppies LLC” does NOT require this dog be returned and a replacement puppy will not be offered.

“Happy Farm Puppies LLC” agrees to assist  “The Puppy Buyer” in the rehoming process if they should decide to rehome the puppy/dog after receiving a serious genetic diagnosis, the puppy/dog must be rehomed from  “The Puppy Buyer” location. If an appropriate home can not be found in a timely manner, Happy Farm Puppies LLC” agrees to take back ownership and medical responsibility, no additional funds beyond half the original purchase price would be refunded.

 Happy Farm Puppies LLC” is not financially or legally liable for any additional fees or expenses acquired by  “The Puppy Buyer” including travel expenses or medical fees to diagnosis, care for or to return the puppy/dog.


This is a “Pet Only” puppy sale. Neither Breeding rights or AKC/CKC registration paperwork will be offered or included with the price of this puppy. This spay/neuter contract is meant to protect our puppies, as well as the quality and integrity of Happy Farm Puppies LLC” bloodlines.

 “The Puppy Buyer” agrees to spay or neuter this puppy no later than 12 months of age.  “The Puppy Buyer” may request written permission from Happy Farm Puppies LLC” to delay the spay or neuter operation for health reasons/beliefs, however, this puppy is never to be used for breeding purposes. At this time, permission to postpone has not been requested or provided to  “The Puppy Buyer”. Documented proof of the spay/neuter operation must be emailed to by                                                . If this spay/neuter contract is violated in any way, without Happy Farm Puppies LLC” knowledge and written permission, Happy Farm Puppies LLC” would be entitled to compensation for breach of contract. Breach of contract would result in  “The Puppy Buyer” being charged an additional $5,000 for the price of this puppy, meant to equal the price of a Happy Farm puppy sold with breeding rights. Breeding rights would not be offered or included.

If this dog produces a litter, accidental or not,  “The Puppy Buyer” also agrees to pay Happy Farm Puppies LLC” an additional $2,000 per puppy produced. A signed spay and neuter contract must also be provided for each puppy sold or kept. No puppies may be sold or kept for breeding purposes.


This puppy has been microchipped. Once you, “The Puppy Buyer”, register the microchip with, you would be contacted if this puppy/dog was ever lost, found and scanned. The microchip number will be on the front of your contract. Don’t lose it! 

Don’t forget to register your microchip info with!!!!

Step 1: go to

Step 2: click on enroll microchip.

Step 3: fill in all the information and pay the registration fee.

Step 4: print and keep a copy of your registration info

Step 5: Sleep soundly knowing your new fur friend is safe with microchipping!!!


If at any time the buyer is unable to keep this puppy/dog, they MUST be returned to Happy Farm Puppies LLC”. This puppy/dog may not be re-sold or rehomed without Happy Farm Puppies LLC” knowledge. Under no circumstances should this puppy/dog ever be relinquished to a pound, shelter or rescue. Happy Farm Puppies LLC” agrees to take back full ownership rights and responsibility for this puppy at anytime, at any age (no cash refund).

 Happy Farm Puppies LLC” also agrees to provide families with assistance in re-homing or re-selling this puppy/dog from their location. Any money received from the resale/rehoming of this puppy/dog would be paid directly to  “The Puppy Buyer” and they would be free to decide on the price. Our adult Happy Farm dogs do hold their value and can be resold for close to their original purchase price (depending on age and health). If this puppy/dog remains sexually intact when rehomed, the new owners must sign a new Spay/Neuter contract. The genetic health guarantee is not transferable to a second owner.


This puppy is an                  generation                                                               puppy and predicted to be between                             lbs and                            inches tall (at the withers). All adult predictions made by Happy Farm Puppies LLC” are based off years of experience, the puppy’s parents and the past puppies from the same parents. This Doodle puppy’s coat and color will develop and change over the next 2 years and Doodle puppies colors can dramatically change from puppy to adult and this can be hard to predict. Puppies can end up bigger or smaller than originally predicted and in comparison to their littermates and/or parents. Each puppy is unique in every way and genetics can surprise us. Happy Farm Puppies LLC” can not make guarantees for what mother nature decides but we’re usually pretty close!

Shedding and Pet Allergies

This Poodle mix puppy is predicted to be low to completely non-shedding and should be better then most dog breeds and Doodle generations for families with pet allergies. However, Happy Farm Puppies LLC” does not guarantee this will be the case with every family, people with severe pet allergies may still have an allergic reaction to this puppy’s coat, dander or saliva.


Please understand this puppy is not fully immune to contagious diseases yet. Not until they’ve completed all their core vaccine boosters. Currently, it’s not safe for them to visit high dog traffic areas in public like dog parks, camping grounds, groomers, lakes, beaches, pet stores, or even dog friendly stores like Homedepot, Lowes etc. 

At the vets office, when your puppy is not on the exam table, they should be in a carrier or in your arms. Do NOT let them wander and sniff the clinic floors and definitely do not let them on the grass outside the clinic. The Parvo virus can survive on surfaces and in soil for up to 6 months. People take their sick dogs to the vet’s office, so this is really where you need to be the MOST vigilant.

Keeping your puppy away from areas in public is most important but do NOT hide your puppy away from everyone and everything until they’re done with vaccines at 16 wks old. The first 4 months of your puppies life is also the most important time to socialize them. Introducing them to as many new people, new dogs and new experiences as possible is the goal.

It’s important to take them out of your family bubble to meet new friends and new dogs! Introducing them to dogs you know to be safe and healthy. Happy Farm Puppies LLC” also highly recommends signing them up for a Puppy Training Classes at least 1 week after their 12 wk appointment or second set of vaccination boosters. Same advice goes for taking walks or public outings in low dog traffic areas like your neighborhood.


Nuvet Plus is a Vitamin Supplement that helps build and strengthen the immune system in dogs and puppies especially important during vaccinations. Nuvet Plus includes antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, herbs and Blue Green Algae. Nuvet Plus uses only natural ingredients and is formulated in an FDA Registered Facility using CGMP standards.

Blue-green algae, is teeming with a high concentration of proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, E, K), minerals (magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, the list goes on), carotenoids, and antioxidants (the most potent being a molecule used for the energy-producing process of photosynthesis: chlorophyll). Chlorophyll helps balance the pH of the blood by increasing alkalinity and reducing acidity. Even slight shifts toward acidity can cause the formation of free radicals and oxidative damage, which promotes risk of disease. Chlorophyll may also protect against environmental toxins.

Nuvet Plus helps fill the nutritional void that exists in virtually all dog foods today. Even the highest quality dog foods are still cooked which kills most of the key nutrients that puppies need during the most important stages of physical, mental and immune system development. Nuvet Plus is cold processed allowing important vitamins to remain intact

Call to Order Your Puppies Nuvet Plus: 1-800-474-7044 

Use code: 144858


 Happy Farm Puppies LLC” neither makes nor implies any warranties or guarantees, express or implied, other than those written in this agreement including without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and fitness.

This document constitutes the entire agreement between Happy Farm Puppies LLC”  and  “The Puppy Buyer” with respect to this sale. BUYER’S signature below indicates they have read, understand and agree to all the conditions of this Sales Agreement and Contract of Sale. Any disputes, mediation, or legal proceedings would be held in Isanti County, Minnesota. Happy Farm Puppies LLC”  and  “The Puppy Buyer” agree to uphold all covenants of this agreement.


 “Happy Farm Puppies LLC” SIGNATURE:

X: DATE:              

“The Puppy Buyer” SIGNATURE:

X(Print): DATE:              

X(Sign): DATE: